About Me

Hi! My name is Alyssa and I live in a beautiful, little town in Ontario, Canada with my husband, 3 year old, 2 cats and our sheepadoodle Hazel. For as long as I can remember, I have been making art. It was my favourite thing to do as a child and I ended up going to university and earning a Bachelor of Visual Arts as a result of that early passion. I always thought my life path would be art related. But then of course, life happens. After art school I was burnt out and fell out of the routine of making art and into the routine of work, paying for bills, the daily grind. I got married to my wonderful husband and had a beautiful baby girl and before I knew it, years had passed and I hadn’t made a single thing. I wasn’t an artist and that passion was so quickly buried. It wasn’t until I had my daughter that I started to look for an outlet, something to soothe my soul and clear my mind. And just like that, seemingly out of nowhere, I stumbled upon a wonderful little art journal community online and everything changed. How quickly that passion that had been buried was brought back to the surface and I haven’t looked back since. 

If you are unfamiliar with what art journaling is, let me explain. It is kind of like a sketchbook mashed up with a diary. The end result (the page or spread) is much more resolved than just a sketch, more like a finished piece of art but in a journal. These journals often explore themes much like your personal diary would such as your thoughts, feeling and inspirations. They can be a documentation of you day or an abstract expression of how your soul is feeling. It is an “anything goes” kind of playground for your heart and mind. You can use paint, pencils, crayons, or collage, the list is endless. There is no limit as to what you can do and its versatility and flexibility is part of what I love so much about art journaling. 

For myself, my journals are where I go to play, explore ideas and process the world around me. I love to use collage with torn scraps of paper as well as found images and words. I often explore the environment around me within the pages of my journal and love to create a narrative using found words. At the end, I will stitch it altogether using a needle and thread or my sewing machine. The process of stitching through paper is one of most favourite processes and I don’t think I will ever get tired of it. 

While art journaling is my main artistic passion at the moment. I also enjoy creating and swapping Artist Trading Cards, stitching up the occasional embroidery and making my own journals.

Thank you so much for visiting my page and if you’d like to contact me you can find me on Instagram or click the button below to email me!